about me

I bought the domain clay.is at least 10 years ago with the goal of creating a site about what Clay is. Well, here it is. What Clay is, I'm still not quite sure. Let's call it all a work in progress.

For now, I'm a content design professional working in the tech industry. I've spent a lot of time and several positions working in design systems, platform initiatives, and other gnarly teams with system-wide scope. I mostly write about those things, and the things I've learned as a senior IC and discipline lead in the UX industry.

I also do things outside of work, like photography, building and restoring furniture, kids soccer, and various other activities. Those things may show up here too.

You can sign up, or not :)

Yes, there's a link to sign up for new content and updates from me. It comes with Ghost, which I'm using to create this site. I'm not trying to start a subscription service, but it's there if you want.